Monday, April 1, 2013

Bath Time!

 Both girls love bath nights in our house.  Heidi loves sitting in her little tub.  We love seeing her chub grow with each bath night!
And on this particular bath night Mark let Allison eat a Popsicle in the bath tub.  It was a beautiful spring day (like 70+ degrees beautiful) and Allison 'helped' Mark work.  In this case that meant a lot of running around to various lumber stores one of which was getting rid of their freezer case and had all of their Popsicles and ice cream marked really cheap.  Allison got paid in a Popsicle on this particular day and she was thrilled!  We learned we shouldn't save the Popsicle until right before bed time.  This girl went wild about 20 minutes after her Popsicle which was right when she was supposed to be winding down.  Live and learn, right?

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