Saturday, June 29, 2013

Allison's Point of View

 Allison got a kids' digital camera for her birthday from Nana & Papa.  I love downloading the pictures and seeing what strikes her as interesting.  We'll need to keep working on including people's heads......
 Mark loading her into the car in the morning
 Me driving to school in the morning.
 The street where we turn to go to school.
 Their caterpillar numbers for lining up at school.
 She brought her camera to school....she must have been sharing (her teachers tell us she is really good at sharing!)
 Tables & chairs...
 One of the dragonflies from her birthday cupcakes at school.
 A parking lot on our Seattle trip (I think this was where we were waiting for Grammy)
 Heidi on the Seattle trip.
 Mark & I on the Seattle trip.
 Taking a picture of our first peas!
 Her room.
 Road trip with Bekah!
Lunch with me!

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