Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Photo Op

 Since it was Mother's Day I got to pick out the girls' clothes for church - I wanted Heidi to wear Allison's first Easter dress and I had a semi-coordinating one for Allison.  So of course I had to try to get some pictures before church.  Let's just say Heidi is not so into posed pictures as you can see in the collection (although some did turn out decent).  Allison was all over it, though, thankfully!

 Best picture of them both and Heidi is holding a bottle of hair detangler.
 Oh yes, and now Heidi has a comb-over - this is after breakfast where she wiped her jam-laden hands through her hair!
 Her silly smile.  Oh, and the detangler spray has now been replaced with a bottle of sprinkles!  

I do love this girl despite her lack of interest in sitting for pictures (however, when we were all done she kept taunting me by going back and sitting where we had been taking pictures - just more of her mimicking behavior!)

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