Thursday, December 11, 2014

Gingerbread Houses

 We have an annual tradition of doing gingerbread houses with Allison's friend Annie.  This year after our Halloween party we had so much fun we decided to reserve our church's 'Brown House' and have a gingerbread house party with more friends.  It was a lot of fun, the kids had a great time and we all got to enjoy some fun food.  Mark played a few songs for everyone and we called it an evening.  A very fun evening!

 Madeleine wore Allison's Gingerbread House t-shirt from a few years ago!
 The big girls all did some twirly dancing during the music.  Heidi sat by Mark and just bounced away.

 We tried pretty hard to get a picture of all the kiddos.  It didn't go so well - we're missing 4 or 5 in this pic - and those that are in it are a little crazy!  But that is how we know it was a good party, right?!?!?

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