The Heidi-bug turned 7-months-old this week! Time to share a few tid bits on her, although we don't have stats since there wasn't a dr. appointment. A few general notes: Heidi is very social; she loves going to daycare to play with her friends. Her current favorite toy is Sophie the Giraffe - not sure why babies love that toy but they sure do. Now onto the details...

Eating: Heidi loves food; which is a good thing! She also got her first two teeth this month; the two bottom teeth popped up together one day. She eats all sorts of things - favorites include peaches, pears & mangoes, butternut squash, carrots, peas & sweet potatoes. Her not-so-favorites are apricots (they were really tart!) and green beans (a bit too much texture) and cottage cheese (I'm giving her the stuff that has live cultures, it is pretty sour). We've expanded beyond fruits and veggies a bit, too. She eats unsweetened vanilla yogurt (the only one in the family!), grains (rice, oatmeal, millet & barley baby cereal) and we've started using the baby food mill - so she's eaten salmon & quinoa, Tuscan bean stew and spaghetti thanks to the mill.

Sleeping: We decided it was time for Heidi to be a 'big girl' - she goes down to bed at 7 pm and we leave her until the morning. We get her up at 6 am. Fairly often she wakes up before then and occasionally we'll help her find her pacifier. Someday she'll learn to sleep in, right? Thankfully she is great at going down for her naps and generally naps well.
Moving: In the last month Heidi has gotten a lot better at sitting up. Which means she is spending less time on her tummy. She still does her little army crawl but she hasn't gotten any better at it. She will get up on all fours frequently, though. She really wants to move forward; her legs move a lot but she can't quite get her arms to cooperate. Yet. It is only a matter of time, I suppose!