I'd like to say that attention is well planned and focused and knowledgeable and experienced but that would not be true. I take random trips to Bi-Mart and look at the different flowers and decide what I want. Then I bring them home and hopefully find a pot for them. I also decided to try to fill in my front flower bed with some flowers. It seemed like a good idea until I started planting. I found that all of my calla lily bulbs had greatly multiplied and were all over the bed....but I had no idea where. So I cautiously dug holes for the new flowers and filled in. There definitely is no rhyme or reason to how that bed is organized right now!
The two plants I did 'plan' on (and actually spend some real money on!) were two tomato plants. We're pretty sure a certain little girl is really going to enjoy picking cherry tomatoes off of these two plants this summer. She's dying of anticipation, can you tell?